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May 2012

Educational Videos for Teachers in the K-12 Classroom

Searching for Online Educational Video for Teachers to Use In the Classroom Can be a Drag

If you have found this page because you are a teacher looking for online video to use in class tomorrow, and don’t have the time to read and enjoy this article about the frustrations that many of your peers are experiencing with this same task, then go directly to this page to access the educational online video you need.

However if you have a few minutes, and are interested in reading about the frustration being suffered by a growing number of teachers like yourself, and the solution – then read on…..

Some people must expect teachers to be miracle workers.

And many of those people, or so it would appear,  can be found amongst the growing number of companies attempting to provide online video for teachers to use in the classroom.

Any as teacher that has ever sat down in the evening and attempted to find an online video that might be suitable for use in a class next day will tell you, it can be a hugely frustrating and time consuming task.

It is disappointing that – with more than 80% of teachers understanding the benefit of using online educational video as a valuable and effective classroom teaching resource – the majority of online educational video providers seem to lack any appreciation of what a teacher really needs.

Above all a teacher needs to be able to find and identify the appropriate online video to use in a matter of minutes, and that video really should be supported.  That support should provide immediate access to a relevant Lessons Plan, the online testing or quiz for that particular video topic, and in an ideal situation – the use of online interactive study tools that enable that topic to be fully explored by either the student or teacher. Yet the vast majority of online educational video services don’t even provide any level of Tech-support.

Sep 2010

Learning Using Online Video …or A Spoonful of Sugar..

A spoonful or sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down…and so on. Who remembers that song?

If you do, you don’t need to own up to it …….. because of course it comes from the very popular Mary Poppins movie from years ago, and if you do remember, the chances are that you are nearly as much an antique as me.

Anyway the reason I’m asking is because I meet so many people that have not even considered for one minute using online educational video to help teach their children, and they virtually all have similar questions like “so what’s it like?” or “How effective is it?”.

And I generally start my reply by using that line “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” …… and here’s why! (more…)

Aug 2010

Only One Front Page ……and 12 different education stories.

I have to apologize for a quiet time on the blog for the last 10 days but we have a dilemma to overcome.

Since we launched this website, an increasing number of people have contacted us and explained just how many different types of students can benefit through using our online educational videos.

Zane Education (Zane Publishing Inc. in it’s former life) has had a well-established name in the school and home education markets since the mid 1990’s. And when we decided to convert our 250 educational CD-ROM’s into online video we always expected that it was the teachers, students and homeschooling families that would be our main customers.

However now that we are using the online video format – and most importantly that all of our videos are subtitled – we are seeing that many other types of students are benefiting from what we have produced. Those children include special needs students, gifted students, the disabled, children with dyslexia and reading difficulties, students with visual impairments, ESL students and especially children whose parents and teachers want to help develop their reading skills.