The scores for the Daily Educational Question Competition (No. 15) sponsored by Zane Education – the website for online subtitled education videos – is as follows:
Scores for North American Players:
Debbie Nowinski -20 Points
Paige Murray Nace – 25 Points – Todays Winner!!
Ayesha Vassar -16 points
Tanya Wood – 8 Points
Christine Vassar – 2 Points
Sandra Wilson – 6 Points
Scores for U.K. Players :
Paula McKelvey – 9 Points
Lauren Simmonds – 0 Points
Remember the first person to have submitted correct answers totalling 25 points (3 Points for the first correct answer, 2 points for the second, and 1 point for all other correct answers) in either the US and U.K. competitions on the Zane Education Facebook page wins the 12 month Gold Membership subscription (worth $200) and use of over 1,500 educational videos teaching 12 subjects and 200 curriculum topics on-demand with Lesson Plans and Interactive Quizzes and other learning resources on our website at Zane Education . Finally it is important to know that all players that have already won previously are encouraged to keep playing, because we encourage you to then donate your second prize to either a Special Needs family, or a family that may not be so well of and whose children need assistance with their education. Whenever that happens you as the owner are recognised and thanked as the donor on our FaceBook page for your kindness in helping others. And that really is one of the best parts of this whole competition.