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Jan 2011

Visual Learning and Your Child

The Benefits of Subtitled Educational Video for the Average Child

We start this third article in the series about Visual Learning and the Use of Subtitled Educational Video to benefit Children of All Abilities, with an apology.

We apologize using the term “Average Child” in the subtitle above because we do not believe there is any such thing as the “Average Child”. Every single child is entirely different and a unique person in their own right, and has their own set of likes, dislikes, and above all learning preferences……and that is exactly what makes the use of subtitled educational video and Visual Learning such a beneficial learning solution for the child that does not have any significant disabilities.

Generally, Visual Learning is about using graphics to deliver information or data, in this case curriculum based learning material, combined with various techniques that enables the delivery of that information to be more effective in various cases like special needs etc. However for the child that does not have learning difficulties or impediments, it is the nature of subtitled video itself that delivers the significant learning benefits. And note the emphasis is on the world subtitled, as opposed to video without the subtitles.

Essentially educational video sets each child free from the abilities of their peers and provides the environment that enables each child to study at their own speed thereby enables them to achieve their greatest potential. Unlike in the classroom environment the child has the control the delivery of the information. If they don’t understand something, they are able to press the STOP or START buttons as many times as is necessary until they fully understand the material. In essence there is no more missing out because the teacher has covered the subject too quickly. The other situation that many children often encounter is the onset of boredom when the teacher has to proceed at a slower speed for other students that have not been able to process the information as quickly as their peers. But with video, it is the child that has the control and they are able to decide themselves when they need to go back over parts of a particular topic again.

The use of video as a learning medium makes the education and learning experience compelling, considerably more interesting, and it introduces the element of fun. Introducing the element of fun to the learning process makes it an enjoyable experience and suddenly we notice from that the child starts to become a lot more self-motivated towards repeating the education experience. The motivated child starts to understand the reason for learning, and that motivation often then starts to cultivate the desire to know more, particularly in those areas that interest them, and for which they have an affinity and natural abilities.