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The History and Writing of Ancient Civilisations Video

Study the History and Writing of Ancient Civilisation using online video. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills ... at the same time!

Use these seven online History Through Literature videos to study and discover the early writings of ancient civilisation.

Discover the history and early writing of ancient countries Mesopotamia and Sumeria, Egypt, the Far East, China, The Early Americas, Phoenicia and Greece

Learn about some of the important events that happened in world history at the time of the first civilisations and discover their writing and major literary forms used in early ancient times, including epics, stories, songs, lyric poems, legends and dramas.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn some of the important events that happened in world history at the time of the first civilisations, between about 4000 and 600 B.C.
  • Identify major literary forms used in ancient times, including epics, stories, songs, lyric poems, legends, and dramas. Identify elements of civilisation--including agriculture, domestication of animals, division of labor, formation of classes in society, religious or philosophical tradition, cities, and writing, and describe how they gradually evolved.
  • Identify cities and writing as two of the most important elements of ancient civilisations.
  • Discover how manuscripts were produced in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and the type of people who wrote and read them.
  • Learn about some of the religious beliefs and sacred texts of ancient peoples and identify the regions where different forms of faith prevailed.
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