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Great Works of Art Videos

Study Great Works of Art using Online Video. Use the Subtitles to improve Reading & Literacy Skills .....at the same time!

A selection of 6 of our online Great Works of Art videos provides middle-school and homeschool students with the opportunity to learn about and increase your understanding of art, and its interpretation of life through the spiritual works of the Chartres Cathedral, Giotto's Arena Chapel, and the Merode Altarpiece.

Examine how the civic pride and religious enthusiasm of the Middle Ages found expression in the Gothic masterpiece, Chartres Cathedral.

Witness how the frescoes of Giotto's Arena Chapel breathed new life into traditional Christian symbols and ushered in the Italian Renaissance. See how Robert Campin's Merode Altarpiece made the Annunciation a miracle with which 15th century Flemings could identify.

Study the themes of warfare and conflict in three of the world's most noted works of art: the Bayeux Tapestry, Goya's The Third of May, and Picasso's Guernica. Study the events leading up to the Battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest of England through the masterful narrative embroidery Bayeux Tapestry.

Witness Francisco Goya's horror and revulsion at the mass execution of fellow Spaniards in his bold and passionate masterpiece 'The Third of May', 1808. Examine Pablo Picasso's controversial 20th century masterpiece Guernica, which is as much a political statement as it is a work of art.

Then use our online interactive quizzes to discover what you have learnt and strengthen your understanding of the subject.

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Great Works Of Art