Home > News > Arts and Crafts Activity 43: Feed The Birds
Jun 2012

Children’s Activity 43: Feed The Birds

An Arts and Crafts Activity

There’s a lot more to taking care of the birds than simply tossing birdseed onto the ground or into a feeder.

Materials Required:

  • Peanut butter
  • Pine cones
  • Meat drippings
  • Bird seed or bread crumbs
  • Yogurt container
  • String


There’s a lot more to taking care of the birds than simply tossing birdseed onto the ground or into a feeder.

Here are two ways to turn your bird feeding into creative fun. If pine trees grow in your area, have your child spread peanut butter on a pine cone and then roll it in birdseed.

Affix a string to the cone, and hang it from a tree or a hook near your window.

Still another approach is to make a “suet bell.” Save the drippings from meat and mix them with twice as much bird seed and bread crumbs.

Now punch a hole in the bottom of a yogurt container and insert a string, leaving about a foot coming out of the hole in each direction.

While holding the string so it doesn’t coil, pour in the mixture and let it solidify.

When it has fully cooled and hardened, slide the yogurt container off and hang your fresh suet bell from a tree. Nature will do the rest.

Whatever you do, the birds in your neighborhood will appreciate the meal, and your kids will enjoy meeting their new neighbors.


This Childrens Activity is sponsored by Zane Education – the home of online Visual Learning.



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