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Discovering The Solar System videos

Use online video to discover the unique attributes of each planet in our solar system. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills .... simultaneously!

Use these online Science videos entitled Discovering The Solar System for kids to study and discover the unique attributes of each planet in our solar system, and learn why only Earth can provide life as we know it.

Use these 4 online educational videos to explore the magnificent cloud of dust and gas that swirled for billions of years. Then witness the explosion that formed our Sun and its family of planets. You'll discover the unique attributes of each planet in our solar system, and learn why only Earth can hold life, as we know it. Uncover the mysteries of comets and why they appear so regularly, and examine the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Learning Objectives:

  • Investigate the characteristics of the nine planets that orbit the Sun.
  • Examine the origins of the Sun and discover how it creates heat and light.
  • Review the early discoveries made about the Moon and the explorations of the Moon undertaken in modern times.
  • Identify characteristics of meteors and comets, celestial phenomena that provide clues about the origins of Earth.
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The Solar System