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Journey Through the Classical Period

Use online video to study the evolution of Western classical music. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills .... simultaneously!

Use these Music History videos entitled Journey Through the Classical Period to study the evolution of Western classical music from medieval plainchant to the Classical symphony and sonata-allegro form.

Use our 4 online educational videos to trace the evolution of Western classical music from Gregorian chant to the words of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose career marks a turning point in musical history. Explore medieval plainchant and the music of troubadours...Renaissance choral works and madrigals...Baroque opera and the concerto...the Classical symphony and sonata-allegro form.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the evolution of Western classical music, from Gregorian chant to the early works of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose career marks one of the great turning points in musical history.
  • Explain the cultural impact of medieval plainchant and the music of troubadours, Renaissance choral works and madrigals, the Baroque debut of opera and the concerto, and the Classical symphony and sonata-allegro form.
  • Study the introduction of secular music during the Middle Ages and identify instruments used by medieval musicians Listen to excerpts from compositions by Bach, Handel, Haydn, and Mozart.
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