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Shakespeare's Theatre And Stage Production videos

Use online video to study the famous Globe Theatre and meet players, stagehands and playwrights of the Elizabethan stage. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills .... simultaneously!

Use these History of British Literature videos entitled Shakespeares Theatre And Stage Production to study the famous Shakespearean Globe Theatre and meet the players, stagehands and playwrights of the Shakespearean and Elizabethan stage.

Use our 2 online educational videos to visit the Globe Theatre, home to William Shakespeare's acting company, The Lord Chamberlain's Men. Identify key roles played by the sharers and those behind the scenes: the bookholder, stagekeeper, scrivener, tireman, and the Master of the Revels. Learn how Shakespeare used the Globe's multiple stages for stunning dramatic effects. Visit historic London playhouses and meet the celebrated actors of the Elizabethan stage. You'll also meet some of the other Elizabethan playwrights, including Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain insight to the theatre of Shakespeare's day through authentic quotations by his contemporaries commenting on theatres, playwrights, actors, plays, and audiences, and learn how Elizabethan theatre became a leading art form.
  • Identify Elizabethan playhouses and explain the significance of the Globe Theatre's architecture and multistage layout in the production of a Shakespearean play.
  • Identify key roles played by the sharers and those behind the scenes: the book holder, the stage keeper, the scrivener, the tire man, and the Master of the Revels.
  • Name contributions to the Elizabethan theatre made by the playwrights Shakespeare, Marlow, and Jonson, and identify celebrated actors of the Elizabethan stage.
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