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History of The Victorian Era videos

Use online videos to study the reign of Queen Victoria in Great Britain. Use the video subtitles to improve Reading and Literacy skills .... simultaneously!

Use these 2 World History videos entitled History of The Victorian Era to study the rapid social and technological changes during the 64 year reign of Queen Victoria in Great Britain.

Learn about the social effects of 19th Century industrialization, and the reforms advocated by Charles Dickens, whose novels describe the plight of England's poor.

Examine the rise of the middle class, the changing role of women, Charles Darwin's theory of the middle class, the changing role of women, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, and Victorian social attitudes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Survey the social, technological, and economic changes that impacted England during the reign of Queen Victoria, whose lengthy rule (1837-1901) witnessed Britain's transformation from a land of agricultural villages into a leading industrial nation revolutionized by factories, railways, steamships, and the emergence of the middle class.
  • Identify some of the social problems resulting from the rapid industrialization and urbanization that took place in England during the Victorian era, and explain how the working class benefited from key reforms that were enacted in labor and education.
  • Discuss the significance of the Great Exhibition, which showcased new technologies expressive of the optimism and belief in progress that gave shape to the Victorian era Review the important political roles played by Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone.
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The Victorian Era