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18th Century Art and Music Quiz

This online 18th Century Art and Music Quiz allows elementary, middle and high school students and teachers to test their knowledge on the history of art and music in the 18th Century

This online music and art quiz titled the 18th Century Art and Music Quiz enables elementary, middle and high school students, children and teachers to test themselves on the history of 18th Century music and 18th Century art.

Us the 18th Century Art and Music Quiz to test your knowledge about the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Revolution--an era that witnessed the brilliance of Viennese classical composers...the development of the symphony and string quartet...and the emergence of the rococo and neoclassical artistic styles. Explore your knowledge of 18th Century artistic works by David, Fragonard, and Goya and 18th Century musical compositions by Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart.

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