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Aug 2012

Children’s Activity 101: Kitchen Finery

An Arts and Crafts Activity

Ready for a surprise? Your pantry is chock-full of good stuff for making jewelry. Here are a few suggestions.

Materials Required:

  • String, yarn
  • Pasta

Optional Materials:

  • Food coloring


Ready for a surprise? Your pantry is chock-full of good stuff for making jewelry. Here are a few suggestions.

Pasta can be strung on a piece of yarn or string to make bracelets, necklaces, headbands, and other finery.

To make a pin, glue the pasta onto a piece of cardboard, then tape a paper clip onto the back – and use the paper clip to attach the cardboard to your kids clothes. (Keep paper clips out of very young hands.)

To enhance your kid’s pasta craft sessions, pick out interesting macaroni shapes the next time you’re at the grocery store; look for stars, tubes, pin­wheels, etc.

You can also make the pasta more fun to work with by dyeing it with food coloring before assembling it on the string.

Other food items, like peanut shells, can also be used to make jewelry.

The finery can be worn by your kids, of course, but it can also serve to make a fashion statement with the stuffed-animal set.

Finally, don’t forget that jewelry can become art-your kids can make collages of their work rather than wearing it.

Let friends and relatives admire the creation!


Kitchen Finery is a fun Arts and Crafts activity that’s great for helping to develop your childrens hand-eye coordination and creative skills and abilities.


This Children’s Arts and Crafts Activity is sponsored by Zane Education – the home of online Visual Learning. Visual Learning is a method of online learning that includes the use of online subtitled educational video that caters for virtually all Learning Styles. The online education videos are accompanied by online multiple choice quizzes, lesson plans and interactive study tools. Virtually all children prefer Visual Learning as it makes study much more interesting and fun. It is the ideal online education solution for teachers and classroom students, homeschooling, special needs education and children that you’d like to see improve their reading and literacy skills and children studying ESL – as they study the same curriculum topics studied by their classmates and peers. Zane Education provides that and much more.


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