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Outer Planets Quiz

Use the online quiz on the outer planets titled the Outer Planets for grade 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, and 10 middle and high school students to test their knowledge of our solar system's outer planets

The online quiz on the outer planets entitled the Outer Planets Quiz enables grade 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, and 10 middle and high school students and teachers to test their knowledge and understanding of our solar system's outer planets including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Use the Outer Planets Quiz to test your knowledge of why Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the "gas giants", what celestial body orbits alongside Pluto, and the unique characteristics of each of the five planets farthest from the sun. The online Outer Planets Quiz will also test your knowledge of why Jupiter is called the Spotted Giant and why Galileo thought Saturn's beautiful rings were "ears" around the planet.

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