Emotionin Psychology video

Video title: Emotion

Use this Social Sciences and Discovering Psychology video entitled Emotion in Psychology to study and learn more about emotion and the powerful influence it has on human behavior.

A journey into how we show emotions, through facial expression, physiological changes, cognitive theory and cultural expression.


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Emotionin Psychology video. Learning Objectives for this video:

  • Emotion in Psychology. Learn about Emotion. Take an interactive journey through the human mind to learn how we think, feel, and behave.
  • Learn about Emotion and why psychology is a dynamic and ever-changing discipline and examine the practical applications of psychological research.
  • Learn the whys and hows of research methods and evaluate the conclusions drawn from them.
  • Examine a wide range of topics; including the discovery and function of neurons, the development of phobias, and the concept of stress; in historical context.
  • Discover the many benefits of using online video for visual learning. Educational video for teaching the K-12 curriculum provides online learning for children and students of all ages and abilities. Using subtitled video - or video with closed captions - enables students to choose between watching, listening to, or reading each presentation whichever best suites their individual learning style. A wonderful option particularly for dyslexia and special needs education.

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