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Education for Sight Impaired Students

Using Our Online K-12 Curriculum Videos

Despite the growth of eLearning, or the using of the Internet to deliver education, over the last 10 years, there are groups of students that have been largely overlooked, and are still not catered for as well as they could be when it comes to providing online education.

Sadly those students include those with sight impairments and the blind. But ZaneEducation is now able to provide an interesting solution.

Until quite recently the vast majority of eLearning providers had to rely in virtually all cases on using text and still pictures to deliver the educational content to the student, however the launch of this ZaneEducation website provides a solution.

All of our online 1,000 plus K12 online educational videos enable our students to either watch, read or LISTEN to each of the educational presentations on each subject or topic.

It is this choice that enables those of our students that are suffering from either a sight impairment or blindness, to learn and benefit from each video, in exactly the same way that all other students can.

Zane is planning in the near future to launch a version of this website specifically to cater for those students with sights impairments or blindness, providing a "talking" navigation structure that will offer those students even greater degree of independence.

At the same time we aim to also provide an audio facility for each of our interactive quizzes.