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Colonizing America's Atlantic Coast

Video title: Colonizing the Atlantic Coast

Watch this Elementary American History video entitled Colonizing the Atlantic Coast to study the colonization of America's Atlantic Coast and the 13 original colonies and see what life was like in the early English settlements in Early America.

Discover what prompted the early European colonists to leave their homeland and settle in the New World. Follow the establishment of the original colonies and see what life was like for the early settlers.


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Colonizing America's Atlantic Coast. Learning Objectives for this video:

  • Colonizing North America. Learn about Colonizing the Atlantic Coast of America. Discover a new world with Columbus, and witness America's exploration, colonization, and development through the pre-Revolutionary period.
  • Learn the reasons for European expansion and identify important explorers and their accomplishments.
  • Trace the explorations of the Spanish and French and distinguish the differences in their treatment of Native Americans.
  • Follow the establishment of the thirteen original colonies and see what life was like in the early English settlements.
  • Learn the probable origins of the Native Americans and describe their relationships with the early settlers and the U. S. government.
  • Discover the many benefits of using online video for visual learning. Educational video for teaching the K-12 curriculum provides online learning for children and students of all ages and abilities. Using subtitled video - or video with closed captions - enables children to choose between watching, listening to, or reading each presentation whichever best suites their individual learning style. A wonderful option particularly for dyslexia and special needs education.

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