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Sentence Connectors and Sentence Interjection

Use this online sentence lesson for Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, elementary, middle school, and high school students and teachers to learn and understand sentence connectors and sentence interjection and how they are used in English grammar.



Sentence connectors join whole statements in clause or sentence form. Because some of these relationship words have adverbial forms (obviously, naturally, unfortunately), they are sometimes called conjunctive adverbs. The most common sentence connectors are therefore, however, consequently, thus, then, in fact, moreover, nevertheless, so, in addition, meanwhile. When they joint independent clauses, they work with a semicolon. When they relate sentences, a period is used.

          We watched his folly develop; in fact, we nurtured it.

          Joe Louis was a fantastically successful boxer. However, he did not emerge from his great career as a rich man.

Unlike coordinating conjunctions, some sentence connectors can be inserted appropriately within the structure of the second statement.

          She was not pleased by his skating technique. She was delighted, however, by his self-control and poise.


Interjections (the word means thrown in) are words that do not fulfill any of the functions of the previous parts of speech. They are such words as yes, no, oh, ah, well, hello. Although they are frequently used in sentences, they are not properly parts of the sentence structure and are therefore separated from the remainder of the sentences by punctuation marks.


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