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Renaissance Music Quiz

This online Renaissance Music History Quiz enables music students and teachers to test their knowledge of the evolution of classical music in the Middle Ages, Medieval and Renaissance Periods

This online quiz on Renaissance Music entitled the Medieval and Renaissance Music Quiz enables music students and school students and teachers to test their knowledge of the evolution of classical music in the Middle Ages, Medieval and Renaissance Periods.

Use the Medieval and Renaissance Music Quiz to test your knowledge of the evolution of Western classical music from Gregorian chant to the works of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose career marked a turning point in musical history. The Medieval and Renaissance Music quiz also enables you to test your knowledge of medieval plainchant and the music of troubadours, Renaissance choral works and madrigals, baroque opera and the concerto, and the classical symphony and sonata-allegro form. The Medieval and Renaissance Music quiz is an online quiz that contains 20 questions from a pool of over 100 thereby allowing repeat use. We recommend that students study the relevant videos provided on this site on this subject before attempting this quiz.

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