Use this online animal kingdom quiz entitled Sponges, Anemones, Corals and Flatworms Quiz to test your knowledge of the biological characteristics of protozoans, parazoans, and primitive metazoans.
Use The Sponges Anemones Corals and Flatworms Quiz to test yourself on of taxonomic classification and the order this system brings to the immense variety of living things. This quiz will also test you on the four subkingdoms: Protozoa, Parazoa, Mesozoa, and Metazoa, including volvox, euglenas, amoebas, ciliates, Porifera, Cnidaria, flatworms, roundworms, rotifers, bryozoans, and brachiopods. This online quiz contains 25 questions from a pool of over 100 thereby allowing repeat use. We recommend that students study the relevant videos provided on this site on this subject before attempting this quiz.