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Energy Flow and Material Cycles of Ecosystems Quiz

Use this online Ecosystems quizs to test your knowledge about Energy Flow and Material Cycles of Ecosystems

Use this Biology and Ecosystems quiz entitled Energy Flow and Material Cycles of Ecosystems Quiz to test your knowledge of the flow of energy and materials in an ecosystem and the way it impacts on the structure and function of that ecosystem.

Use these Biology and Ecosystems videos entitled Energy Flow and Material Cycles of Ecosystems to study how the flow of energy and materials in an ecosystem impacts the structure and function of that ecosystem. Study the trophic structure of an ecosystem: the food chain, food web, and trophic level. Discover examples of ecosystems, and explain the roles of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers in the feeding structure of an ecosystem.

Use The Ecosystems Quiz to test your knowledge of the basic principles of an ecosystem's trophic structures, function, food chains and webs, trophic levels, and the fictional relationships between them. This quiz will also test your knowledge about the flow of energy through an ecosystem, the material cycles and the principles influencing the movement of materials through an ecosystem. This online quiz contains 25 questions from a pool of over 100 thereby allowing repeat use. We recommend that students study the relevant videos provided on this site on this subject before attempting this quiz.

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