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Deciduous and Coniferous Forest Biome Quiz

Use this online Biomes quiz to test your knowledge about Deciduous, Coniferous and Moist Coniferous Forest Biomes

Use this Biology and Biomes quiz entitled Deciduous, Coniferous and The Moist Coniferous Forest Biome Quiz to test your knowledge of the major forest biomes and biome types of North America.

Use these Biology and Biomes videos entitled Deciduous, Coniferous and The Moist Coniferous Forest Biomes to study the major biomes and biome types of North America and describe their climate and topography. Learn about plants and animals of each biome and discuss their environmental adaptations.

Use this Biomes 1 Quiz to test your knowledge of the world's biomes, the differences in climate distribution, topography, the general appearance of each of the major life zones, the unique plant and animal adaptations of the temperate deciduous forest biome, the various types of North American deciduous forests, the taiga-tundra transition zone, the boreal forest, and other biomes.

This online quiz contains 20 questions from a pool of over 100 thereby allowing repeat use. We recommend that students study the relevant videos provided on this site on this subject before attempting this quiz.

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