Use this list of Synonyms and Antonyms in English for Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 elementary, middle school and high school students and kids to learn commonly used synonyms and antonyms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Note: Antonyms appear in italics
Abate reduce, decrease, diminish; increase
Abhor detest, despise
Abject wretched, miserable, despicable
Abjure to swear to give up, avoid, repudiate
Abortive fruitless, failing, useless
Abrogate abolish, repeal by law
Absolve to set free from guilt, exonerate
Abstemious moderate in eating or drinking, sparing; gluttonous
Abstract theoretical; substantive
Abysmal of low quality, bottomless
Acclaim applause, admiration
Acclimate to become accustomed to new surroundings, adapt
Accolade praise, approval; reprimand
Acme peak, pinnacle, zenith; nadir
Acquiesce to give consent by remaining silent, accede
Acrid bitter, sharp
Acrimonious bitter, caustic
Acumen quickness in seeing and understanding, keen insight, shrewdness
Adage maxim, proverb, familiar saying
Adamant stubborn, unyielding; flexible
Adjudicate settle, judge
Adroit skillful, clever; clumsy
Adulation excessive praise, slavish flatter
Adversary opponent, enemy foe; ally
Advocate to speak or write in favor of, recommend publicly
Aegis shield, protection, sponsorship
Affable gracious, friendly; withdrawn
Afflict to cause pain or suffering, distress
Affluent rich; impoverished
Alacrity briskness, quick willingness, speed; lethargy
Allay calm, soothe; agitate
Alleged reported, supposed
Alleviate ease, lighten; exacerbate
Allusion indirect reference, slight or incidental mention of something
Aloof distant, apart, reserved; outgoing, gregarious
Altercation quarrel, dispute, fight
Altruism unselfishness, philanthropy; cupidity, avarice
Ambiguous vague, indefinite; specific
Ameliorate improve, relieve; exacerbate
Amicable friendly, peaceful; belligerent
Amnesty a general pardon
Amoral unable to distinguish between right and wrong; moral
Anarchy chaos, disorder
Anathema something greatly detested, a curse
Animosity ill will, hostility; friendship
Anomaly irregularity, abnormality
Antediluvian old fashioned, before the flood; modern
Antipathy dislike, distaste, hate
Antiseptic preventing infection by stopping the growth of disease germs, sterile, barren
Antitheses exact opposite
Apathetic unemotional, indifferent; concerned
Apropos fittingly, opportunely
Arbiter judge, referee
Arbitrary whimsical, dictatorial
Archaic out of date, ancient, old-fashioned
Arrears unpaid debts
Ascertain discover, verify
Ascetic severe
Asinine foolish, silly, stupid
Asperity harshness of temper
Assiduous devoted, busy, attentive
Assimilate to take in and make part of oneself, absorb
Assuage soothe; irritate
Atonement amends, expiation
Atrophy to waste away, degenerate
Atypical uncharacteristic, abnormal; conforming
Audacity boldness, daring
Augment to enlarge, increase
Auspicious with signs of success, favorable
Austere severe, harsh; adorned
Avarice greed, passion for riches; altruism, philanthropy
Avid eager
Avocation minor occupation, hobby
Badger to pester, nag, annoy
Baffle to hinder someone by being too hard to understand, perplex
Balk to refuse to move, frustrate
Banal trivial, meaningless from overuse, commonplace
Barrister lawyer, attorney, solicitor
Bauble trinket; jewel, gem
Bedlam confusion, uproar
Belated late, delayed; timely
Belittle to make seem less important, trivialize; intensify
Belligerent warlike, hostile; peaceful
Benediction blessing; curse
Beneficent kind
Benign kindly, harmless, gentle; malignant
Bequest legacy, gift
Besiege surround, hem in
Besmirch to dim the reputation, soil, stain
Bestial beastly, brutal; civilized
Bias prejudice
Bigoted narrow-minded, prejudiced
Bizarre odd, peculiar, strange
Blasphemy abuse or contempt for God, profanity
Blatant loud, showy, conspicuous
Bliss happiness, pleasure; hell
Bogus fake, counterfeit; genuine
Bona fide genuine; bogus
Boorish rude, bad-mannered, polite
Brash impudent; polite, respectful
Brawn bulk, muscles
Bucolic rural, rustic; urbane
Buff follower, fan devotee
Bulwark protection
Bumptious arrogant
Burgeon grow, flourish; stifle
Cabal clique
Cacophony harsh sound, discord; harmony
Cadaver corpse, body
Cajole coax, wheedle
Callous unfeeling; sensitive
Calumny false accusation, slander; accolade
Candor honesty, openness, frankness; deceit
Capitulate surrender; resist
Capricious flighty, unpredictable, erratic; constant
Captious quarrelsome, argumentative; accepting
Carnage slaughter, bloodshed
Carnivorous using animals as food, meat-eating; herbivorous
Castigate to correct by punishing, chastise
Caustic sarcastic, biting, acrimonious; mild
Celerity speed, rapidity; sluggishness
Censure to criticize, rebuke; approve
Cessation stop; continuance
Chagrin feeling of disappointment, humiliation
Charlatan a fraud, pretender; authenticity
Chicanery trickery, underhandedness; straight-forwardness
Chronic lasting a long time, habitual; fleeting
Circuitous roundabout; direct
Circumspect cautious, prudent; impulsive
Clandestine secret, undercover; aboveboard
Cliche banality, platitude; originality
Coalesce merge, join; split
Cogent forceful, convincing, persuasive; ineffective
Cognizant having knowledge of, aware; ignorant
Comatose unconscious
Commiserate pity, sympathize with
Commodious large, spacious; cramped
Complacent smug, self-satisfied; discontented
Compunction remorse, regret
Conciliate soothe, reconcile; exacerbate
Concoct to prepare by mixing with a variety of ingredients, devise, invent
Condone excuse, pardon; begrudge
Congenial having similar tastes and interests, kindred; incompatible
Conjecture opinion, guess; documentation
Connoisseur an expert; dilettante
Connubial having to do with marriage, conjugal
Controversial open to argument, debatable, disputed
Copious ample, abundant, plentiful; scarce
Corpulent fat, obese; slender, lean
Corroborate to make more certain, confirm, support
Countermand to cancel an order, withdraw
Coup revolution, overturn
Covert secret, hidden; open, aboveboard
Credence belief, credit
Criterion standard test, model
Cryptic having a hidden meaning, secret, obscure
Culpable deserving blame, guilty; innocent
Cumbersome hard to manage, clumsy, unwieldy
Cupidity greed, avarice; altruism
Cursory not thorough, hasty; comprehensive
Curtail shorten, reduce, lessen; expand
Cynical doubting the sincerity and goodness of others, sneering, sarcastic
Dearth great scarcity, shortage; abundance
Debacle sudden downfall or collapse, disaster
Debilitate to make feeble, weaken; strengthen
Debonair genial, courteous
Decadence growing worse, decline, decay
Decapitate behead
Decorum good taste in speech or dress, fitness
Decrepit old and feeble, worn-out; hale, healthy
Deduce to reach a conclusion by reasoning, infer
Defame to speak evil of, malign; honor
Degrade to bring into dishonor, corrupt
Deleterious causing harm, injurious; salubrious
Delve to search carefully for information, excavate
Demeanor behavior, manner
Demur object, disapprove
Demure artificially proper, coy, reserved
Denounce condemn; praise
Deplete reduce, lessen; replenish
Deplorable regrettable, wretched
Depraved corrupt, perverted, debased
Deride scorn, ridicule
Derogatory lowering in honor or estimation, disparaging; uplifting
Desolate devastated, barren, solitary, dreary
Despot absolute ruler, oppressor
Destitute impoverished; affluent
Desultory jumping from one thing to another without aim or method, unconnected
Deter prevent, stop
Devious trick, roundabout
Devout religious, pious, sincere
Dextrous skillful, clever, deft; clumsy
Diatribe bitter speech directed at someone or something, denunciation
Diffident shy; assertive
Digress diverge, swerve, stray
Dilettante dabbler, amateur
Diminutive tiny, small
Discern to see clearly, distinguish
Disciple believer in the thought and teaching of a leader, follower
Disconsolate sad, dejected; elated, cheerful
Discord disagreement; harmony, concord
Discreet cautious, prudent; imprudent
Disdain scorn, contempt
Disgruntled in bad humor, discontented; happy, satisfied
Disheveled rumpled, messed; tidy
Dismantle to take apart, strip
Disparage to speak slightingly of, belittle, discredit; praise
Disparity inequality, difference; similitude
Disperse scatter; assemble
Dissent disagreement; agreement
Distraught crazed, distracted
Diverse varied; alike
Divulge to make known, reveal
Docile obedient, tame; disruptive
Dogmatic opinionated, stubborn
Doleful very sad, mournful, dismal; exultant
Dormant in a state of rest or inactivity, asleep; active
Dupe one who is easily deceived or tricked, scapegoat
Duplicity trickery, deceitfulness
Duress use of force, compulsion
Dwindle to shrink, diminish; increase
Eccentric unusual, odd; predictable
Edifice a large or impressive building, structure
Effectuate cause
Efficacy effectiveness
Effrontery shameless boldness, insolence
Egotistical vain, conceited; modest, unpretentious
Egregious remarkably bad, outrageous, flagrant
Elapse to slip away, pass
Elicit to draw forth, evoke
Emanate to come forth, emit
Embryonic undeveloped, in the early stages, immature
Emend to free from errors, correct
Eminent outstanding, distinguished, noteworthy
Emulate to strive to equal, imitate
Encomium a formal expression of high praise, eulogy
Enervate to weaken, unnerve; bolster, support
Engender produce, create
Enhance to make greater in quality or importance, upgrade; degrade
Enigma baffling problem or person, riddle
Enmity hostility, hatred; friendship, amity
Ennui feeling of weariness from lack of interest, boredom; euphoria
Enormity great size of a problem, immensity
Entourage group of attendants, retinue, followers
Ephemeral shortlived, transitory; permanent
Epithet insult
Epitome person or thing that represents the best, embodiment
Equitable just, valid; unfair
Erudite scholarly, learned
Esoteric understood only by a select few, secret, private; public
Esthetic showing an appreciation of beauty in nature or art, artistic
Evince show manifest, display
Exacerbate worsen, aggravate; ameliorate
Excoriate denounce violently, abrade
Exemplary outstanding
Exhort to advise earnestly, urge
Exonerate to free from blame, absolve; persecute
Expedite hasten; prolong
Exploit to make unfair or selfish use of, utilize
Expunge to remove completely, erase
Extenuating making the seriousness of an offense seem less, weakening
Extinct no longer existing, superseded
Extol to praise highly, commend; criticize
Extortion obtaining something by threats of force, extraction
Extraneous foreign, unessential, outside
Extrinsic not essential, external; intrinsic
Extrovert one who tends to act rather than think, uninhibited; introvert
Exultation great rejoicing, triumph
Fabricate to make up, invent; document
Facade outward appearance, face
Facetious being shyly humorous, witty
Facile easily done, adept; difficult
Fallacious logically unsound, misleading, deceptive
Fallible error-prone; perfect
Falter to draw back, waver; persevere
Fastidious dainty in taste, particular, choosy
Fatuous foolish, silly; rational
Feasible can be carried out easily, practicable; impossible
Feckless futile, ineffective
Feisty touch, excitable, captious; phlegmatic
Fervid full of strong feeling, spirited; phlegmatic
Fervor passion
Fester to cause soreness or pain, rankle; heal
Fiasco a complete or ridiculous failure, breakdown
Fiat an authoritative order or command, decree
Fickle whimsical, capricious
Fiduciary held in trust, trustee
Flabbergasted speechless
Flagrant shocking, egregious, notorious, scandalous; respectful
Flamboyant striking, ornate; simple
Fledgling beginner, novice; expert, authority
Florid rosy, ruddy
Fluctuate to rise and fall, change; stabilize
Formidable hard to overcome, dreaded; welcomed
Fortuitous happening by chance, accidental; premeditated
Fracas noisy quarrel or fight, uproar
Fray a brawl, fight, battle
Frenetic excessively excited, frenzied; calm
Fretful peevish, worried, agitated; happy
Frugal avoiding waste, thrifty, economical; prodigal
Frustrate to prevent from accomplishing, thwart, foil; encourage
Fulsome so much as to be disgusting, overdone
Furtive secretive, stealthy
Futile worthless, useless, abortive; effective, fruitful
Galvanize to stir into action, arouse
Garbled confused; clear, intelligible
Gargantuan enormous, gigantic; miniscule
Garrulous talking too much, wordy; reticent
Gaudy cheap and showy, ostentatious; decorous
Gaunt having a starved look, emaciated; rotund
Germane to the point, pertinent; irrelevant
Gesticulate to the point wildly, gesture
Gist main point, essence
Glean to gather information little by little, learn
Gratuity a present in return for favors, tip
Grave serious, solemn; jocular
Gregarious fond of being with others, outgoing; withdrawn
Grisly frightful, horrible
Grotesque odd or unnatural in shape or appearance, bizarre; simplex
Grueling tiring, exhausting; exhilarating, refreshing
Guile crafty deceit, cunning
Gullible naive, unsophisticated; skeptical
Habitat home, environs
Hackneyed overused, trite; fresh, original
Halcyon calm, peaceful; riotous
Hapless unlucky, unfortunate
Harass to trouble by repeated attacks, persecute
Harbinger advance notice, forerunner
Haven place of shelter and safety, sanctuary
Havoc great destruction, ruin
Hedonistic pleasure-seeking, indulgent; ascetic
Heinous wicked, hateful, despicable
Herculean powerful, challenging
Heterogeneous different in kind, unlike, varied; homogeneous
Hirsute hairy
Hoary old, ancient; newborn
Hoax a mischievous trick, dupe
Homogeneous same similar; heterogeneous
Hyperbole exaggeration
Hypotheses something assumed because it seems like a true explanation, theory
Idyllic simple, charming
Ignominious shameful, disgraceful
Ilk class, kind, sort
Imbibe to drink, absorb
Immaterial unimportant; relevant, pertinent
Imminent about to happen, threaten
Immutable permanent; changing, flexible
Impassive unmoved, emotionless; emotional
Impeach accuse of wrongdoing, charge
Impeccable irreproachable, faultless; imperfect
Impede to stand in the way of, hinder, obstruct
Imperceptible gradual, subtle
Imperturbable not easily disturbed, calm; excitable
Impetuous acting with rash energy, hasty; deliberate
Impious not showing reverence for God, wicked
Implacable unable to be appeased, unyielding
Implement to carry out a mission, enact, accomplish
Imply to mean without saying, suggest
Importune to annoy with pressing demands, plead
Impregnable unyielding
Impromptu spontaneous, off-hand; rehearsed
Improvident wasteful
Inadvertent lax careless; planned, intentional
Inane foolish, silly; sensible
Inanimate lifeless, dull; lively, animated
Incessant unceasing
Incipient just beginning, commencing
Inclement rough, stormy
Incognito concealing name or position, disguised
Incoherent disconnected, confused; coordinated
Incompatible not able to live or work together peaceable, antagonistic
Incorrigible too firmly fixed in bad ways to be reformed, depraved; reparable
Incriminate to accuse of a crime, implicate
Incumbent office-holder
Indict to charge formally with a crime, accuse
Indifferent uncaring, neutral; concerned
Indigent poor, needy; affluent
Indolent lazy, idle; industrious
Indulgent giving in to another's whims or wishes, lenient
Inept awkward, inappropriate
Inevitable unavoidable, imminent
Inexorable unyielding, relentless; flexible
Ingenious good at inventing, clever
Ingratiate to bring oneself into favor, accept
Inhibit to hold back, restrain
Innocuous harmless; injurious
Innovative creative; stagnant
Innuendo insinuation, hint
Inordinate much too great, excessive
Insatiable that cannot be satisfied, greedy; appeasable
Insidious working secretly or subtlety, wily, shy
Insipid boring, bland; exciting
Insolent boldly rude, insulting
Integral necessary to make something complete, essential
Interminable endless, unceasing; terminative
Intransigent uncompromising, stubborn/ flexible
Intrepid very brave, fearless; cowardly, timorous
Intrinsic essential, inherent; extrinsic
Inundate to flood, deluge
Invalidate to make useless, nullify
Invective violent attack in words, abuse
Inveterate deeply rooted, habitual
Irascible easily angered, irritable
Irate angry, enraged, furious, indignant
Irrevocable cannot be revoked, final
Itinerant traveling, wandering, nomadic
Itinerary route of travel, plan
Jeopardize to put in danger, risk, imperil; protect
Jostle to crowd against, shove, push; restrain
Jubilant showing joy, rejoicing; depressed
Judicious wise, sensible; intemperate
Jurisdiction territory over which authority extends, control
Juxtapose put side by side, adjoin; separate
Laceration a deep cut, wound
Lackluster dull, boring, uninspired; stimulating
Laconic expressing much in few words, concise, pithy; garrulous, verbose
Lampoon to ridicule, satirize
Landmark the high point or turning point of a period, historic
Larceny theft
Latent lying hidden and undeveloped, potential; active, operational
Laudable praiseworthy, commendable
Lax careless, remiss, negligent, slack; strict, exact
Legacy money or property left to someone in a will, bequest
Lethal causing death, fatal
Lethargy drowsiness, indifference, apathy; enthusiasm
Levity gaiety, frivolity; seriousness, sobriety
Liaison a working relationship, intercommunication
Lithe flexible, supple, limber; stiff
Litigation lawsuit
Livid discolored by a bruise, pallid
Loquacious talkative, garrulous; laconic
Lucid clear, sane, rational; opaque
Lucrative profitable, remunerative
Ludicrous absurd, laughable
Lugubrious very sad, mournful
Lurid sensational, startling
Magnanimous generous in overlooking insult or injury, noble
Maim to cripple, disable, mutilate
Maladjusted poorly-adapted
Malady disease, ailment, sickness
Malcontent dissatisfied, rebellious
Malevolent vicious, evil; benevolent
Malignant having an evil influence, harmful; benign
Malingerer one who pretends to be ill in order to escape work, shirker; martyr
Malleable pliable, yielding, adaptable; rigid
Mammoth gigantic, enormous
Mandate an authoritative order, directive
Mandatory authoritatively required, obligatory
Manifold having various forms, diverse
Martial warlike, soldierly; peacelike
Martinet strict disciplinarian, stickler
Matriarch mother
Maxim a statement of a general truth, precept
Meander to wander aimlessly, roam; settle
Mediate interpose, intervene, settle
Meditate to think deeply and continuously, reflect, ponder
Mendacious false, lying; honest
Menial fit for servants, low servile
Mentor advisor, teacher
Metamorphosis change, transformation
Meticulous careful about details, scrupulous; careless, sloppy
Mien way of conducting oneself, manner, bearing
Milieu surroundings, environment
Militant ready and willing to fight, combative; peaceful
Miniscule rather small, tiny, minute
Mitigate lessen; exacerbate
Modish fashionable, stylish; outmoded, passe
Morbid gruesome, unhealthy, diseased; wholesome
Moribund dying, failing; lively, prospering
Motivate arouse, incite
Mundane ordinary, earthy; spiritual
Murky obscure with smoke or mist, gloomy
Myopic near-sighted
Nadir the lowest point, bottom, zenith
Naive foolishly simple, childlike, ingenuous; sophisticated, artful
Nebulous cloudy, vague; clear, definite
Nefarious very wicked, villainous, vicious; saintly
Neophyte beginner, novice; professional
Nirvana perfection, heaven, utopia
Noisome foul-smelling, offensive, toxic
Nomadic wandering, itinerant
Nonchalant indifferent, casual; concerned
Nondescript hard to describe, unrecognizable
Nostalgia yearning for the past, homesickness
Noxious harmful to health or morals, pernicious
Nuance subtlety
Obese very fat, corpulent, stout; slender
Obfuscate confuse, bewilder
Obliterate to blot out, erase, destroy
Oblivion forgetfulness
Obscure unclear, clouded, ambiguous; obvious, transparent
Obsequious excessively willing to serve or obey, fawning, servile
Obsolete no longer in use or practice, old-fashioned; serviceable
Obviate to make unnecessary, prevent, eliminate
Occult hidden, mysterious
Odious hateful, disgusting; pleasurable
Officious offering unwanted advice, meddlesome; aloof
Ominous threatening, sinister, menacing
Omnipotent all-powerful
Onerous burdensome, laborious,, oppressive; inconsequential
Opulent wealthy, abundant, luxuriant
Orthodox standard; unconventional
Ostensible on the surface, apparent
Ostentatious showy, pretentious; decorous, conservative
Ostracize to banish, shut out, bar
Oust to force out, eject, dispossess
Overt without attempt at concealment, open; surreptitious
Pacify to make peaceful, tranquilize, placate; enrage
Palatable tasty, savory; disagreeable
Palliate to cover up, excuse, extenuate
Paltry petty, trifling, insignificant
Panacea cure-all
Pandemonium scene of wild disorder, noise, confusion
Paramount dominant, chief, supreme; trivial
Parasite one who lives at the expense of others, leech, sponge
Pariah someone despised or rejected by others, outcast
Parochial narrow, limited, provincial
Parsimonious miserly, stingy; generous, altruistic
Pathetic pitiful
Paucity scarcity, dearth, insufficiency; abundance
Penitent regretful; unrepentant
Pensive expressing deep thoughtfulness with some sadness, contemplative
Perfidious treacherous; faithful
Perfunctory superficial, indifferent; thorough, comprehensive
Pernicious injurious, fatal; harmless
Perpetrate to do something evil or criminal, commit
Persevere to continue to do something in spite of difficulty, persist
Peruse study, examine
Perverse persisting in error or fault, contrary
Phlegmatic sluggish, dull, apathetic; excitable
Pivotal important, crucial; trivial, trifling
Plaintiff one who brings suit in a court of law, complainant; defendant
Plausible seemingly true, acceptable; incredible
Plethora overabundance, excess; dearth
Plunder rob, lot
Poignant sharp or biting to the smell or taste, piercing, moving
Ponder ruminate, reflect, consider
Potent convincing, authoritative
Pragmatic practical; unrealistic
Precipitate to cause to happen before expected, hasten; deter
Preclude prevent
Preeminent excelling others, dominant, surpassing
Premonition a forewarning, presentiment
Prestigious illustrious, influential
Pretext excuse, fabrication
Prevaricate to turn aside from the truth, equivocate
Procrastinate to defer, postpone
Profound deep, insightful; superficial, trivial
Profuse flowing, generous, lavish; limited, scant
Prolific producing many young or much fruit, abounding; barren, infertile
Promulgate to publish or make known officially, spread
Propensity natural inclination, tendency
Propitious favorably inclined, auspicious; unfavorable
Proponent supporter
Propriety correctness, properness; inappropriateness
Prosaic matter-of-fact, commonplace, dull; poetic
Provincial naive, unsophisticated; worldly
Provocative exciting, stimulating; tiresome
Proximity nearness, closeness; distance
Prudent sensible, discreet; foolhardy extravagant
Pugnacious quarrelsome, belligerent; peaceable
Qualm scruple of conscience, uneasiness, misgiving
Quandary state of perplexity, dilemma
Quell to put an end to, overcome
Quintessence pure essence, model
Rabid unreasonably extreme, fanatical
Rambunctious noisy,, unruly, boisterous; calm
Rancor bitter resentment, ill will; amity
Rapacious grasping, greedy
Raucous harsh-sounding, hoarse; mellifluous
Raze to tear down, destroy
Rebuke to express disapproval of, scold
Recant to withdraw a previous opinion, statement, renounce
Recondite profound, concealed, esoteric
Redress to set right, remedy
Redundant not needed, superfluous
Refute to show something to be false or incorrect, deny; confirm
Rehabilitate to restore to a good condition, reinstate
Relevant to the point, pertinent, irrelevant
Remiss negligent, inattentive, slack in meeting one's responsibilities; careful
Remorse sadness, regret
Remote distant, secluded; nearby
Remuneration reward, payment
Renegade deserter, traitor; loyalist, patriot
Repent to feel sorry for having done wrong, regret
Replenish refill
Replete abundantly supplied, filled
Reprehensible wicked, blameworthy
Repress to prevent from acting, subdue
Reprimand to disapprove severely, scold; praise
Repudiate to refuse to accept, disown
Repugnant distasteful, objectionable
Repulse to drive back, repel; attract, allure
Rescind repeal, cancel
Residue remainder
Respite time of relief and rest, reprieve
Reticent reserved in speech, silent; garrulous, verbose, loquacious
Retract withdraw, recede
Revere worship, honor; defame
Revile to abuse with words, scold
Rigor strength, thoroughness
Ritual a system of rites, ceremony
Rue to be sorry for, regret
Rural characteristic of the country as opposed to the city, countrified; urban
Sagacious wise, shrewd; unintelligent
Salient standing out, prominent; hidden, unnoticeable
Salubrious healthful
Salutary beneficial, wholesome, harmful
Sardonic bitterly sarcastic, scornful, mocking
Satire sarcasm, ridicule
Saturate to fill full, soak
Scanty minimal, inadequate; sufficient, copious
Schism a division into hostile groups, split
Scoff jeer, deride, ridicule
Scowl to look angry by lowering the eyebrows, frown; smile
Scrupulous conscientious, punctilious; careless, negligent
Scrutinize examine, study; glance
Scurrilous abusive in an indecent way, foul
Sedate calm, serious; nervous
Sensual indulging too much in the pleasure of the senses, lustful, lewd; abstinent
Servile yielding through fear or lack of spirit, subservient
Simian apelike, monkeylike
Simulate to put on a false appearance, pretend
Sinuous wavy, bending
Site location
Skirmish a brief fight, conflict
Slovenly careless, untidy
Smug too pleased with one's own goodness or cleverness, complacent
Sojourn a brief stay, vacation
Solace comfort or relief, consolation
Solicit seek, entreat
Soliloquy talking to oneself, monologue
Somber gloomy, melancholy; cheerful
Sordid dirty, contemptible
Spontaneous impromptu, voluntary; rehearsed
Sporadic occurring in scattered instances, occasional; continual
Spurious false, illegitimate; genuine
Squander to spend foolishly, waste; preserve
Squeamish easily socked, prudish, queasy
Stagnant inactive, dull, sluggish; active, flowing
Stigma mark of disgrace, stain
Stipulate to demand as a condition of agreement, contract
Stoic one who remains calm and represses his feelings, impassive
Strident shrill, grating, cacophonous; mellifluous
Stringent severe, harsh, strict, rigorous; lax, lenient
Stymie to thwart, frustrate, hinder
Subservient slavishly polite and obedient, submissive
Subterfuge trick or excuse used to escape something unpleasant, deception
Subtle artful, crafty, deft; obvious
Succinct expressed briefly and clearly, concise; verbose
Succulent juicy; dry
Succumb to give way, yield, die; persevere
Sullen showing bad humor or anger, gloomy, sulky
Sultry hot and moist, torrid
Supercilious scornful, haughty
Superfluous more than is needed, unnecessary
Surfeit too much, excess; shortage, dearth
Surmise to infer, guess
Surreptitious secret, stealthy, clandestine; authorized, overt
Taciturn silent, reticent; garrulous
Taint trace of decay, stain
Tangible that which can be touched, real, actual; indefinite
Tantalize to torment by holding out hopes that are repeatedly disappointed, tease
Taut tightly drawn, tense; lax, relaxed
Temerity foolish boldness, recklessness; cautiousness
Temper moderate, soften; incite
Tenable defensible; untenable
Tenacious holding firmly, cohesive, persistent
Tentative provisional, experimental; final
Terse concise, succinct; long-winded
Tether leach, rope
Therapy curative treatment, rehabilitation
Thespian an actor, tragedian
Throng a crowd, mob
Thwart to hinder, obstruct, foil
Timorous fearful, afraid; brave
Titanic enormous; miniscule
Torpid sluggish, lethargic; energetic
Totalitarian dictatorial
Toxic poisonous; harmless
Tractable docile, manageable; rebellious
Traduce slander
Transgression sin
Transient fleeting, temporary, ephemeral; permanent
Transpire to come to pass, happen
Tremulous quivering, fearful; dauntless
Trenchant keen, penetrating, incisive
Trite stale ideas of language, hackneyed; original, fresh
Truncated shortened, abbreviated; unabridged
Turbulent disorderly, unruly, boisterous; peaceful
Tyro amateur, beginner, novice; professional
Ubiquitous everywhere at the same time, widespread
Ultimate most remote or distant, farthest, final
Unconscionable unscrupulous, unreasonable, excessive
Unctuous oily in speech or manner, glib
Unilateral affecting one side only, unilineal; bilateral, reciprocal
Unkempt untidy, messy, slovenly; meticulous
Urbane polished, suave; unsophisticated
Usurp to take and hold by force or without right, supplant
Utopia an ideal place, heaven, nirvana
Vacillate to show indecision, hesitate, waver
Valor bravery, courage; fear, cowardice
Vehement acting with great force, passionate, violent
Vendetta a blood feud, revenge
Veneer a thin surface layer, gloss
Venerable worthy of respect, impressive
Venom poison, spite, malice
Verbose wordy, prolix; terse, succinct
Vestige a sign of something which has once existed, trace
Vexatious annoying
Viable workable, practical
Vicarious taking the place of another thing or person, substitute
Vindicate to clear from criticism, absolve; implicate
Virile manly, masculine; effeminate
Virulent bitterly hostile, poisonous
Vitriolic sarcastic, caustic
Vivacious full of life, spirited; dull, inanimate
Vociferous clamorous, noisy
Volatile changeable, fickle
Voluble talkative, glib, garrulous; taciturn, reticent
Voluminous massive in terms of writing, large, bulky; meager, spare
Voracious greedy in eating, gluttonous, insatiable
Vulnerable open to criticism or attack, weakened; protected, invulnerable
Wan sickly, pale
Wane to decline in power or importance, abate, subside; wax, increase, revise
Warranty promise, pledge, authorization
Wheedle to persuade by flattery, coax; dissuade
Whet to sharpen, stimulate
Willful stubborn; flexible
Wince to draw back suddenly as in pain, flinch
Wrest take by force, usurp
Zealous enthusiastic, fervent
Zenith highest point, summit, peak; nadir