Religions of the World Quiz

Use the online quiz on religions of the world titled the Religions of the World Quiz for elementary, middle and high school school students to test their knowledge of the 5 Major Religions of the World

This online quiz on religions of the world entitled the Religions of the World Quiz enables elementary, middle and high school students and teachers to test their knowledge of the 5 Major Religions of the World.

Use the Religions of the World Quiz to test your knowledge of the practices and beliefs of four of the world's major religions: Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. The Religions of the World Quiz will also test your knowledge about the important roles all of these living religions have played in human history and cultural development, and their positions in the pluralistic society of today's Western world, the daily behavior, customs, and culture of the people who live by these faiths.

  • Watch these Religions Of The World videos first
  • Hinduism (Runtime: 09:33)
  • Judaism (Runtime: 10:41)
  • Islam (Runtime: 09:57)
  • Buddhism (Runtime: 09:28)
Religious Studies
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