The First Americans: The PaleoIndians Quiz

Use this online quiz to test your knowledge of the history of The Paleoindians, the first Indians who lived in North America 11,500 years ago

Use this online Native American Indian History quiz entitled The First Americans: The PaleoIndians Quiz to test your knowledge of The Paleoindians, or the first Indians, who populated the American continent about 11,500 years ago.

Use The PaleoIndians Quiz to test yourself on The Paleoindians, or "first Indians," populated the American continent about 11,500 years ago and how analysing the tools and weapons found at key archaeological digs in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado have given us information about how these Paleoindian cultures lived, unique culture from the mammoth hunters to the buffalo hunters to the ancestors of today's Native American cultures. This online quiz contains 25 questions from a pool of over 100 thereby allowing repeat use. We recommend that students study the relevant videos provided on this site on this subject before attempting this quiz.

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